

This pages provides access to posters that were presented at various conferences (organized by year):


  1. OHBM 2020: Transcriptomic parcellation of the human brain reflects structure and function


  1. ISBI 2019 (slides): Evidence For Bias Of Genetics Ancestry In Resting State Functional MRI
  2. OHBM 2019: Genetic ancestry and polygenic traits encoded in resting-state fMRI networks
  3. OHBM 2019: Optimizing prediction models of sleep as confound for large scale resting state fMRI studies
  4. AAIC 2019: Alzheimer’s disease polygenic burden beyond APOE acts stronger on Tau than on Amyloid


  1. OHBM 2018: Concordance analysis of atrophy and local gene expression implicates astrocytes in FTD


  1. OHBM 2016: Genome-wide polygenic risk for AD is associated with rate of atrophy in the hippocampus
  2. AAIC 2016: Genome-wide Polygenic Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease Is Associated With Rate of Metabolic Decline But Not With Rate Of Amyloid Deposition
  3. AIC 2016 (talk): Genome-wide Polygenic Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease Is Associated With Rate of Metabolic Decline But Not With Rate Of Amyloid Deposition


  1. AAN 2015: Fibrillar Amyloid: Thinking Globally, Not Acting Locally
  2. OHBM 2015: Fibrillar Amyloid: Thinking Globally, Not Acting Locally
  3. OSSD 2015: Gene-sex interaction in Alzheimer’s disease
  4. PRNI 2015: Joint Feature Extraction from Functional Connectivity Graphs with Multi-task Feature Learning [poster] [slides]


  1. OHBM 2014: Genome-Wide Analysis Reveals a Polymorphism Linked to Cost-Efficient Wiring of Functional Brain Networks


  1. AAIC 2013: APOE Genotype by Gender Interaction Revealed in CSF Biomarkers and Clinical Conversion Rates in the ADNI database
  2. OHBM 2013: Sleep Decoded: Decoding and Predicting NREM Sleep Stages Based on fMRI
  3. OHBM 2013: Regional Exceptions to the “High Amyloid-Low Metabolism” Expectation in Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease


  1. EHDRW 2009: Do not blame the fitness! – Only slight impact of predicted replicative capacity for therapy response prediction [poster] [slides]
  2. EHDRW 2009: Keeping models that predict response to antiretroviral therapy up-to-date: fusion of pure data-driven approaches with rules-based methods [poster] [slides]


  1. EHDRW 2008: The EuResist approach for predicting response to anti HIV-1 therapy [poster] [slides]


  1. EHDRW 2007: Validation of geno2pheno and THEO on a large independent clinical dataset [poster] [slides]
  2. IHDRW 2007: Inferring Virological Response from Genotype: With or without predicted phenotypes?

 Posted by at 21:46